Welcome to my blog - a collection of thoughts and musings on the world of writing, books and all those wordy type things.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Madly Writing!


I'm so sorry there's been rather a gap since the last post, but I do have a fairly good reason...I won a competition - the UK Carina 'Write Christmas' one that I mentioned in a previous post! And yes, I'm still a bit stunned!

I got the call having just come round from some minor surgery, which made it all a bit surreal. I was so glad when they announced it on Twitter the following day

There was a little part of me that was wondering whether it had all just been me and the anaesthetic!

The chapters I'd sent in were from a book I'd started but had put aside to work on the SYTYCW15 entry, and hence it wasn't finished. And now it has to be finished in super quick time so I'm busy working on that pretty much all the time at the moment. It's a bit nerve wracking because, being a writer, I'm always finding something to worry about with it - but hopefully they'll like the rest of it just as much as the first chapters. I'm well aware there will be a slew of revisions but I shall just have to take that on the chin as I know that, as part of Harlequin, these people really know what they're doing.

There isn't a title for the book yet but as soon as I know, I'll pass it on!

In the meantime, we are currently in the throes of setting up a website which I'll be transferring my blog to, so when that's live I'll let you know about that too and hope that you will come and say hello to me there.

I really hope everyone else's writing is going well this summer! Now, I'm off to the depths of Christmas to carry on with the novel!

Happy writing!


  1. Congratulations! That is fantastic news! You must be so excited. I have been in the depths of Christmas lately, too, with my latest novel also being a Christmas story. All the best with your book. I shall look forward to reading it!

    1. Thanks Kristah! Yes, it's all been very exciting - and crazy! I hope your writing is going well. It's funny writing Christmas out of season, isn't it? Thanks again for the comment and I hope you enjoy reading the book when it's out.

  2. Woo congratulations! ! Fantastic news xxx

  3. Congratulations, shows that if you persevere things do happen.

    Good luck with the website. Looking forward to seeing it when it's complete. :-)

    1. Thanks Carol! Yes, it can be quite easy to lose sight of that sometimes when the rejections keep coming in, can't it? Or if you don't hear at all from agents (still awaiting replies from some from April!). The website it on its way - having some driving lessons for it tonight!


I love to hear your feedback, thoughts and ideas but please be kind and play nice so that it's enjoyable for everyone. Thank you :)