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Thursday, 9 August 2012

Rescue Remedy, Nice Surprises and Writing Competitions

A little while ago I had an article accepted by an outdoors magazine which it always jolly nice. Their planner was full for this year, so it was to be held over until sometime next year. However, as I stood waiting for something in Boots I heard my phone give an email ping. With nothing better to do at that very moment, I had a look. It was the notification of publication and payment - for this month's edition! Yippee! What a lovely surprise. Needless to say, I then whizzed up to Smiths' and got a copy.

So, if you're planning on visiting Tewkesbury, or the surrounding area of Gloucestershire, you'll find all you need to know in the August edition of MMM (Motorcaravan Motorhome Monthly) magazine.

On another note, the reason I was in Boots was to get some Rescue Remedy. I picked up a box, and then went to get another so I could get the offer. And it was empty. At the desk, I mentioned this, and they were kind enough to check the stock for me - as they did this, the assistant mentioned that it happened a lot with these as they aren't the cheapest. This was something most odd - as Monsieur Poirot would say. I mean, Rescue Remedy is to help calm the nerves. But surely if you're calm enough to steal something, it seems unlikely you are particularly troubled by stressful situations. Most strange.

And finally, I've just come across two competitions - one for fiction and two for poetry. Good luck!

* Write a bedtime story and win £500 here

* Two poetry competitions here


  1. How nice to have your piece used earlier than expected.

  2. Thanks, Patsy! Yes, it made my day :)

  3. Maybe they're stressed because they're too broke to be able to afford Rescue Remedy? Does it really work? If so I must try it!

    1. Possibly! As to whether it really works, well, it makes me feel better if I'm a little anxious, but whether that's down to it, or the thought of it, I don't know. No good for full blown panic attacks though...


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